Ann and Wim are making their fruit and vegetable business completely ... Green: "Electric vans replace current fleet"

Fruit and vegetable business Ann and Wim Tanghe is now going truly green. With the purchase of eight electric delivery trucks and a series of solar panels, the company is running almost entirely on green electricity. Rainwater is even used for irrigation. The old vans will soon be sold. "A serious investment from which we will reap the benefits in a few years," says Wim.

The family business has been around since 1920 and recently moved after half a century to the new Tintersweghe business park, where the emphasis is on environmental awareness. That is why Ann and Wim foresee as many as eight electric vans replacing the current fleet.

The first one has already been delivered and is being used to provide customers with treats, with the other vans following drop by drop. "We think it's important to be environmentally conscious. We have to be nowadays," Wim explains. "Our company runs almost entirely on green electricity thanks to our solar panels. That was a hefty investment, but in a few years we will reap the benefits."

Smart charging stations

So the purchase of the vans is the next step. But green investments are also being made in addition to that. "After the construction break, smart charging stations from CenEnergy will be installed. The charging stations take into account the energy supplied by the solar panels, as well as the total consumption of the company. So we never run the risk of fuses being overloaded when the cars are charging and, for example, the cooling installation is running," Wim explains.

And the old vans that run on gasoline? Those are just sold. "Per van I am easily at 500 euros of gasoline per month. Also the maintenance costs a bomb of money. If you add all that up, you arrive at a serious sum. Hence this choice," says Wim.

Organic vegetables

Finally, the green character also extends to the customer, even in the fruit baskets. "In addition to green electricity, we now have a completely new range of organic fruits and vegetables that can be ordered weekly," Wim adds. "Visitors will also be able to use the charging stations. In this way we are doing our bit for the environment by providing green power for the warehouse, our own cars and for our customers."