Belfius becomes main shareholder in CenEnergy, a promising Belgian scale-up

Belfius and CenEnergy join forces to offer Belgian companies, public institutions and, in the future, private individuals a sustainable and complete vehicle charging infrastructure.

After several years of commercial cooperation, Belfius is taking a majority stake in CenEnergy. With this strategic partnership, Belfius intends to make a resolute commitment to sustainable mobility. And driven by its ESG ambitions to drastically reduce CO2 emissions in our country in particular, and to equip its customers with a sustainable and complete charging infrastructure.

Over the past year, demand from companies for charging solutions and associated advice has increased exponentially. Since from 2026 only zero-emission company cars will be tax deductible, companies are investing massively in a transition to greener fleets. Private individuals will also need high-performance charging solutions in the future as carmakers switch en masse to the production of electric vehicles. All of this is part of the binding EU emissions target which stipulates that greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced by at least 55% by 2030.

In this context of zero-emission transition, employers and employees need complete and smart charging solutions with particular attention to safety, worry-free and optimal energy management. In this area, CenEnergy and Belfius complement each other perfectly.

This strategic partnership was confirmed by a majority Belfius stake in CenEnergy's capital, with founder Alex Geurts (through Cenim), Ginion Group and Jan Verbruggen, Managing Partner of CenEnergy, remaining as minority shareholders.

Gumption made the decision to move out of CenEnergy based on its incubator strategy to help young companies develop, including in the digital field, and prepare these companies to take new strategic steps.

Jan Verbruggen, Managing Partner of CenEnergy: "As a Belgian manufacturer of intelligent charging devices, CenEnergy stands out in combined expertise in e-mobility and IT. CenEnergy manages the entire chain, from concept to production, aftercare and energy management. This enables us to execute projects from A to Z. CenEnergy combines innovative, best-in-class charging infrastructure with a software platform for optimal management, designed to guide organizations through the e-mobility transformation. There we strive for the most interesting operational, technical and financial solution for the customer, independent of any energy supplier. After several years of commercial collaboration with Belfius Bank and Belfius Auto Lease, we are delighted to now be part of the Belfius Group. With this strategic partnership, Belfius and CenEnergy confirm their ambitions to bring innovative, quality solutions to the market. Our objective is to achieve the highest customer satisfaction and support customers regarding sustainable mobility and corporate social responsibility."

Dirk Gyselinck, Executive Director Wealth, Enterprises & Public at Belfius Bank: "That we at Belfius are 100% committed to the environment and society is no secret. This is precisely why we have previously participated in Cyclis Bike Lease and multi-mobility provider Skipr. Today we are taking a brand new step by participating in CenEnergy. Together with this Belgian scale-up, we can offer complete and smart charging solutions to companies and their employees, public institutions and, in the future, private individuals. In this way, we help companies realize their ESG ambitions with solutions and guidance, in collaboration with the expertise of our partners. Moreover, by doing so, we ourselves also make progress with our own sustainability goals."

Bart Embrechts, Managing Partner of Gumption: "The journey we took with CenEnergy illustrates nicely how Gumption likes to work. We spot trends and invest in promising companies. We help them become successful through innovation and transformation of their operations. Of course, we continue to follow the e-mobility market from a data-driven vision. CenEnergy and Belfius remain reliable and powerful business partners for us in this."

What you need to know about the AFIR legislation
From April 13, 2024, a new European regulation will enter into force. The Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation, AFIR for short, should make charging at all new public charging points a lot more price transparent with display of the price per kWh as well as enable other payment options such as a bank card or a QR code, in addition to the usual charging card.