⚡️Partner in the spotlight: Waasland Automotive

Waasland Automotive, a company with a soul for employees, customers and business partners! 50 years ago, father Jos De Groof planted the seed of the successful company Waasland Automotive, a Ford dealership that has become the reference in the whole of Flanders. His son Ben followed in his father's footsteps 30 years ago, with the remarkable result that 2000 cars are sold every year, and that even Corona has not been able to defeat this strong organization.

Ben De Groof, a CEO with great human values, and exceptional entrepreneurship!

We visit Ben for coffee, and it soon becomes clear that respect for employee, customer and family is a special priority.

Simplicity and enthusiasm float above here.

"Without my dad, we probably wouldn't be sitting here today. But Mom also deserves all the credit. After all, behind every strong man is a strong woman. In today's economic reality, I see myself more as a coach. Of course results must be achieved, but that is only possible if colleagues and customers feel appreciated. And showing that is important. One of my basic commitments is that everyone should be accessible to each other, regardless of their position. We need everyone here; I alone cannot sell 2,000 cars. The strength of this team is every individual within the team, it's as simple as that.", states Ben.

"The soul of this house is the team and our commitment to perfect service. And the best value barometer is that we have customers who have trusted us for 50 years, and a lot of colleagues who have been with Waasland Automotive for more than 15 years. And that does us good!", continues an enthusiastic Ben.

Moreover, this is also confirmed by the various Awards that the team was privileged to receive.

50 years of Waasland Automotive will be celebrated!

Where Corona did throw a spanner in the works was the big party "50 Years of Waasland Automotive, a journey from the past to the present to the future."

An engaging meeting between customers, employees, family and friends where Mom and Dad De Groof will have an important place.

After a while of mandatory postponement, it can now "soon" go ahead.

But more on this later.

Ecological driving, we must lead by example!

Already 12 years back, visionary Ben had already understood that attention to our planet and ecological driving would become major challenges.

"For me, the environment has always been an important priority. Striving for as much CO2 neutral business and driving as possible was unthinkable. Consequently, we also had to set the example. The management team drives electric and our infrastructure in Beveren, The Green Drive, was built as ecologically as possible, even back then. Our ISO9002 accreditation confirms this, by the way. Even more, at the opening of The Green Drive, we sold tree saplings with the result that we were able to plant 2 hectares of children's forest. Whether the government will be ready in 2026 to achieve its goal of electric driving, I still have major doubts about that today. ", Ben informs us with determination.