Important Legal Change: Mandatory Charging Infrastructure in Your Parking Area Starting January 1, 2025

New Obligations for Charging Points

Since March 11, 2021, new rules have been in effect regarding the installation of charging points in parking areas of buildings. These obligations apply to new construction projects and major renovations for which a building permit is applied for after this date.

As of January 1, 2025, these rules will be extended to existing buildings with parking areas. If your company in Flanders has a parking area with 20 or more spaces, you are required to install at least two charging points. These measures are part of the European directive aimed at improving the energy performance of buildings and supporting the transition to zero-emission transport.

Legislation will also significantly change in Brussels and Wallonia. Do you have multiple parking areas at one building? Then the regulations apply to each parking area individually.

Are you prepared?

Our team of experts is ready to assist you. . Contact ​us today for tailored advice and ensure that your business complies with the legislation

Below you’ll find an overview of current and future legislation with handy links to the relevant regional websites.  



Until now, in Flanders, legislation only applied to parking areas at new buildings or buildings undergoing major renovations. As of January 1, 2025, the legislation will also apply to parking areas at existing buildings.


New build

(environmental permit since 11 March 2021)

Major renovation (environmental permit. since 11 March 2021)

Existing buildings (from 2025)

Residential buildings

Car park with 2 or more parking spaces: infrastructure required for each parking space

Car park with more than 10 parking spaces: charging infrastructure required for each parking space

No obligations

Non-residential buildings

Car park with more than 10 parking spaces:

- at least 2 charging points

- and charging infrastructure for 1 in 4 parking spaces

Car park with more than 10 parking spaces:

- at least 2 charging points

- and charging infrastructure for 1 in 4 parking spaces

Car park with more than 20 parking spaces: at least 2 charging points



Do you have an existing parking area in Brussels with 10 or more spaces? Then you are subject to the regulations described below. New parking areas must be immediately equipped according to the guidelines that will apply in 2035. 


From 1 January 2025

From 1 January 2030

From 1 January 2035

Office car parks

10% of the number of places equipped with charge points with a minimum of 2 charge points

20% of places equipped with charging points

30% of places equipped with charging points

Other car parks (public car parks or car parks of commercial establishments

5% of places equipped with charging points

1O% of places equipped with charging points

30% of places equipped with charging points

Residential car parkings

One charging point per parking space of residents who have access to the car park and own an electric vehicle and plug-in hybrid.

Mandatory Electric Charging for Parking Areas |


In Wallonia, as of 2025, legislation will also be extended to existing parking areas with more than 20 spaces. At least one charging point must be provided, and the necessary infrastructure must be prepared for at least 20% of the parking spaces. 

For new buildings or major renovations, the legislation that has been in effect since March 2021 will continue to apply. 

Since 11 March 2021 for new construction and major renovations for car parks of 10 spaces or more

From 1 January 2025 for existing car parks with more than 20 spaces

Non-residential car parks (agency, commerce, industry, etc.) or care homes

For a car park of more than 10 spaces. A charging point provided and waiting tubes provided for 20% of the parking spaces. 

At least 1 charging point and waiting tubes provided for 20% of parking spaces

Residential car parks 

Guard tubes provided for all parking spaces

Mix between residential and non-residential

If the sum of the areas of the parts intended for individual housing is greater than the sum of the areas of the non-residential parts and/or the parts intended for collective housing, then the rules of residential car parks will apply. If the areas for residential housing are equal or smaller, then the rules of non-residential car parks will apply.

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